Wednesday, October 31, 2012

DS Lite: Harvest Moon, Grand Bazaar

 Let's put this out there as a general welcome: anyone have any ideas for games they want to see either trashed or deified? You obviously can't choose which way I go with my review, but you can choose what I next write!
General Stats
Concept:  7/10
Graphics:  7/10
Sound:  6/10
Playability:  9/10
Entertainment:  9/10
Replay Value: Moderate

About the Game
Genre:  RPG/Simulation
Length: No clue. Infinite, I suppose.
Platform: Nintendo DS

Review and General Storyline:
The first thing I can say about this game is a warning: This  game is highly addictive.  Do not start a game around finals, or you will not study. At all.  Take it from someone who knows.

So, anyone familiar with the series know that you start this game by picking your gender, as well as naming your farm (If anyone is wondering, my character is a girl whose name is Jade and the farm she lives on is Seles--and +10 for anyone who gets the reference).

Let me begin by saying that this game is ridiculously simple. There is little to no skill involved, some logic but not much, a little luck, and some cognition skills. So basically you've got to be over 4 to understand how to play this game, alright? (And if you are not, then why the fuck are you reading this?)

Ahem. Anyway, you start out with a couple of turnip seeds and some money. And your goal, at the end of the week, is to have something to sell at the bazaar. Which pretty much means that you are going to be selling a lot of found items and what not, because you have no money at the beginning here.

What makes this game so addictive is that it just goes on and on and on. Eventually you will get windmills to grind seeds into better products, make your tools stronger, or ferment foods. There are insects to snatch, fish to catch, flowers to pick, and so much more.

Sound and picture is decent for a DS game, though sounds like sowing seeds and fertilizer get real annoying, real fast. Storyline and plot, there isn't too much there, but this game is addictive just for the repetitive factors.

All in all, a game pretty much anyone, no matter the skill level, can excel at. I'd give it a 7 out of 10.